booking 2025 - 2026 now

Imagine your life
with better photos

ready to learn your fancy camera in a judgement free zone?!

You'll be able to take out your camera during family vacations, confident you'll love the photos

what if you no longer put it off for "tomorrow" ??

You'll start editing photos quickly in Lightroom, no more guessing what a button will do

Give yourself permission to do something for yourself, learn a new hobby, and start creating your own version of weird art.

You could turn this dream / hobby into your full time career and support your family in ways out of your wildest imagination

Your friends + family will start asking YOU to take their photo because they noticed your skills getting better

You wont have to fear the nitty gritty, or memorizing numbers -- I'm here to get your camera in your hands to learn hands on

You'll join my education community full of welcoming students with the same passions as YOU!

the answer is
hell yes!


I just want to give you a shoutout for answering my questions and advice when comes to photography!  Thank you for being so awesome when comes to helping others, even in a simple answer!!!


Could not be happier with Jamie's talents! She really knows how to capture a person's soul!


Where do I start? Jamie is not only a great photographer, but also a great educator. she has been going above and beyond for us creators.


take their word for it!

what if you just knew what to do with your camera?

Minimize your margin of error with a trustworthy blueprint and instructional videos from yours truly

  • Skip Costly Mistakes
    Avoid setbacks and maximize the little time you have available to actually learn your camera and become the photographer you dream of

  • Bridge the Gap
    Access a clear-cut plan that stands between you and finally understanding the photographer jargon

  • Confidently Create
    Give yourself permission to do something for yourself, learn a new hobby, and start creating your own version of weird art.

i do things scared

So you know what you’re getting into

I do things scared. It's where my creative genius comes to life. Which is why I dove head first into my business this year to help photographers, humans, and just people like you every day. I've had a passion for photography since my flower girl days (which you can still have me stand in as one hehe). Then I had the thought of how can I help you, someone who doesn't want to have a photography business, but wants GOOD photos from the every day moments. Then I realized after explaining my iPhone to my mom time after time.. I needed to build an iPhone photography course. She may have been my muse so that I knew I would love the photo she would take of me and my baby, but now you will have access to the inside secrets, too.

know this all too well?

Investing in your education means less wasted time trying to fumble around on your own and precious moments back in your life. No need to play a guessing game; the prep work has already been done for you in this digital course with hands on videos plus exclusive step-by-step tutorials.
You have a nice camera (DSLR / Mirrorless / Crop sensor) and you were sold from the idea of being a photographer with a high quality camera. BUT now you stare at your camera like wait - how do I ACTUALLY get these images that I see other photographers take?

You've come to the right human. (ME ha!) I built this online course entirely for beginner photographers who are just getting started. YOU want to know what to do with your camera, you want to understand manual mode, and you are willing to put in the work. Plus, now you have someone who will break it down for you with simple terms, video explanations, and the best part all of this info can be rewatched over and over agian!

Your only three easy, no interest payments away from knowing your fancy camera better!

Let’s do it! 

3 payments of $193


sign me up!

You're ready to dive in and have no hassle of monthly payments! All you have to do is pay and your in!

one time payment $579

pay in full


take their word
for it

Jamie and Mark are my favorite photographers I’ve ever worked with. They always make you feel comfortable and their work is amazing. Absolutely worth every penny. They’re even willing to travel to Hawaii for our destination wedding. I can’t recommend enough!

- Bailey + Derek 2022

no more waiting, we're taking action!

I gotchuu!


copyright jamie tobin photography 2012-2025 | privacy | terms of service | site designed by madison ramm | Copywriter Kaili at reveal studio

wASHINGTON elOPEMENT phOTOGRAPHER, Destination wedding photographer