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Everyone learns differently—let’s make sure whatever you need actually sticks

Photography and Business Mentor

For wedding, elopement, and family photographers

What Are You Here For?








Want a completely customized mentorship experience tailored to your specific goals and needs? This is for you.

More of a “do it myself” type of photog? I love that about you. My courses are a great place to start.

Full online shop for my PDF guides, Lightroom presets, Lightroom profiles, ALL THE TOOLS!

Need help figuring out what you need? Let’s talk about it!

book  a
consult call

I’ve been photographing weddings and people for 11+ years, and I still wake up thinking, “Holy shit, this is the dream.” But I don’t want to pretend it’s been a breeze since the beginning because I’ve ridden the Hot Mess Express a handful of times. But those moments of, “what the heck do I do now?” have been my greatest teachers.

And aside from photography, nothing lights me up quite like standing beside someone the moment something clicks. Witnessing and being part of someone’s business glow-up is intoxicating. I’ll never get enough. I firmly believe we all deserve someone to support our weird-ass dreams and goals.

That’s who I want to be for you—because there’s room for everyone in the world of photography, and I’m here to help you find yours.

Let’s not be strangers, k? Here’s a bit about me —

New Here?

get the full story

  • Brand new or wanting to level up past a glass ceiling!
  • A wedding, elopement, or family photographer
  • Eager, passionate, kind, and ready to learn
  • Hungry for growth and passionate about what you do

Does it sound like I just described you in 4 bullet points?
Keep reading! 

I’m The Mentor For You If You’re…

I can get you there

If You’re Looking To Excel At The Following

Seeing some things you’ve been meaning to master? Let’s make it happen!

  • Camera basics 101 (no shame here—but let’s get you proficient)
  • Camera gear (what to buy and how to use it)
  • Starting a photography business (essential systems + software, must-dos, invoices, and all of the things)
  • Approaching weddings (timelines, what to wear, how to speak to couples and their families, the day-of checklist)
  • Editing in Lightroom (how to do it and do it fast)
  • Photoshop (what everything means, how to use all of the tools, retouching skin, presets)
  • Client interaction (how to pose couples, how to get clients to wear certain attire, how to handle uncomfortable situations)
  • Pricing your services (where to start and when to raise them)
  • The legal side of business (taxes, contracts, and all of the less-than-sexy aspects of running your own biz)

PS: Asking for help can be scary and sometimes even embarrassing. But f*ck that! The fact you’re reaching out tells me you’re already ahead of the pack and will 100% be successful. Everyone has to learn somewhere, and I’m damn proud of you for deciding your time is now.

Mentorship Options

  1. I’m not a “do it for you” type of teacher—but I’ll sit with you and gently guide you through the process until it becomes like second nature to you.
  2. I’m also not here to turn you or your business into me and mine—I’m here to help you discover what makes you unique and amplify it.
  3. I think shame and judgment are shitty and gross—you won’t find any of that here.
  4. I’m all about plain English explanations—so don’t expect a bunch of photography jargon you’ll have to Google later on.
  5. I will challenge you and encourage you to push your boundaries—because that’s how we grow.
  6. I’m weird and a little quirky—but life would be so damn boring if I weren’t.

I’m not like a regular mentor, I’m a cool mentor

Other Things You Might Want To Know...

Still with me? Heck yes! You’re my kind of person.

Your Education Options Are Below

Each package includes:

  • 2- or 4-hour sitdown session (depending on your needs)
  • Completely custom curriculum 
  • All of our notes and any presentations I created
  • 60 days of email and Voxer support (Because walkie-talkie is still so much fun!)
  • Option to add on a styled shoot

Starting investment: $500 / hour

1:1 Mentorship

100% customized to your current wants, needs, and wishes

Online Courses


Feel confident + efficient behind your camera (like a camera crash course without going back to school)

Take your sHOT!

Use your iPhone to capture special memories with your favorite people (including you!) — and understand how to edit them so they look professional and clean

Here’s what we’re covering:

  • How to get IN the shot with your people and not get stuck behind the camera
  • iPhone settings that will give your photos a professional touch
  • Insider iPhone tips (like what to do when you get that “low storage” notification)
  • How to edit effectively in the Lightroom + Photos apps
  • BONUS: 8 Lightroom mobile presets* 
*need a computer to install

Here’s what you’re learning:

  • A breakdown of necessary gear and what you really need
  • What each button on your camera means and how to effectively use them
  • The basics of light and how to use it to your advantage 
  • Understanding and capitzlizing on different lighting patterns
  • An introduction to Lightroom 
  • An introduction to speed lights



Want to beef up your portfolio, practice posing, or have a pro on-set while you do your thing? A styled shoot is the way to go. And instead of setting one up yourself, I’ll do the heavy lifting (like contacting vendors + getting a gorgeous couple to model for you), and you’ll get all the credit. 

Each package includes:

  • 1-hour photoshoot
  • Hands-on posing walkthrough by yours truly
  • Live demo of me working with clients
  • Feedback and critique of your current posing process
  • Post-session image review and feedback
  • Portfolio images to promote your brand

Starting investment: $500

Styled Shoot

Like an actual shoot, only better

Reaching Out Is The Hardest Part

Asking for help is always a little awkward

Now that we’ve acknowledged that, let’s skip to the good part, shall we? Here’s what happens next

  1. Reach out + submit an inquiry form
  2. We’ll book a consult call to discuss goals and areas of interest
  3. I’ll send you a custom proposal that tackles all of your needs
  4. You’ll sign your contract + pay your retainer 
  5. We’ll pick sit-down or shoot dates and get started
  6. You’ll walk away feeling a hell of a lot more confident + prepared

(And somewhere in there we’ll probably talk about tacos + dogs. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!)


copyright jamie tobin photography 2012-2025 | privacy | terms of service | site designed by madison ramm | Copywriter Kaili at reveal studio

wASHINGTON elOPEMENT phOTOGRAPHER, Destination wedding photographer