Want a completely customized mentorship experience tailored to your specific goals and needs? This is for you.
More of a “do it myself” type of photog? I love that about you. My courses are a great place to start.
Full online shop for my PDF guides, Lightroom presets, Lightroom profiles, ALL THE TOOLS!
I’ve been photographing weddings and people for 11+ years, and I still wake up thinking, “Holy shit, this is the dream.” But I don’t want to pretend it’s been a breeze since the beginning because I’ve ridden the Hot Mess Express a handful of times. But those moments of, “what the heck do I do now?” have been my greatest teachers.
And aside from photography, nothing lights me up quite like standing beside someone the moment something clicks. Witnessing and being part of someone’s business glow-up is intoxicating. I’ll never get enough. I firmly believe we all deserve someone to support our weird-ass dreams and goals.
That’s who I want to be for you—because there’s room for everyone in the world of photography, and I’m here to help you find yours.
PS: Asking for help can be scary and sometimes even embarrassing. But f*ck that! The fact you’re reaching out tells me you’re already ahead of the pack and will 100% be successful. Everyone has to learn somewhere, and I’m damn proud of you for deciding your time is now.