Eloping in Iowa

Jamie Tobin Photography

Date Posted

December 14, 2021

This post is for you if you are looking to learn more about eloping in Iowa!

Just because you live in the midwest, does not mean you have to have a traditional, large wedding.
Your elopement can take place any where, on any day, YES, even in Iowa.

Why eloping in Iowa?

  1. The couple lives in Iowa
  2. The couple has family in Iowa
  3. It is really easy + fast to get married in Iowa
  4. The couple wants to, end of story, thank you, goodbye

How to go about eloping in Iowa?

To elope in Iowa, you will need to obtain a partner, a marriage license, and someone ordained to perform the ceremony.

Your partner, you, and a witness will need to apply for a marriage license, then wait 3 days to pick up your marriage license, and actually be able to perform the wedding.

In Iowa it is $35 to apply for a marriage license, and your witness will need to sign the application with you. This is really quick 20-30 minutes at your local courthouse.

Once you have your license you can get married anywhere in the state, perform the wedding, mail your paper work back in, the state will then mail your wedding certificate within 7-14 business days. (Could be delayed due to COVID).

What about all the other stuff that goes along with a wedding?

Okay that is true, but that is the fun stuff! You can still go dress / suit shopping and wear an amazing outfit.

Plus, you can perform the ceremony almost anywhere.. like say a garden? Your home..?

Then, you can either go out to eat, or plan a small dinner with family + friends!

Seriously an elopement IS still a wedding, it just lets you pick the rules you want to follow.

What is an Iowa Elopement?

An Iowa elopement is a wedding in Iowa that a couple chooses to do what they want instead of out dated traditions they don’t care for.

They can still follow some traditions if they choose, but it’s a day done their way.

At the end of the day, they are still getting legally married, with paperwork, but everything in between is up to them what they want to do.

-Water leisure
-Snow fight
-Wine tasting
-Pampering (Skin, nails, hair, makeup, massages)
-Private Chef
-Horseback riding
-Party Bus
-Small, intimate backyard wedding (need help planning, check out my blog post here on backyard weddings)

Seriously, I challenge you to write a list of your favorite dates, or activities you and your partner like to do and then see how many we can fit into a one OR two day elopement!

Make it a date night to plan your dream elopement!

Check out this list to give you eloping Ideas

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