How to rock a Rainy Wedding Day | Photographer & Bride alike!

Hello, humans!

Happy Blog Tuesday! So! One thing that used to scare me is the weather on a wedding day.. I mean you can’t just reschedule a wedding because of a chance of rain, right?!

I have photographed in the rain, and it seems intimidating at first but you know what – it makes your day / their day more memorable, specially if the photographer can roll with the punches and keep serving it up!


Here are my tips to rock a rainy wedding day:




1: Attitude

How you react to a situation will ultimately set a mood. Whether you’re a bride reading this, or the photographer, don’t sweat it! (Ha, no water pun intended) Rain is an old good luck charm, and it can make for some badass photos!

Either way a smile and can-do attitude is always better than a grumpy, pouting one!


2: Gear

If the forecast says rain just make sure to prep extra gear!
I have a “coat” for my camera that protects it so I can shoot in rain&cold without worrying about damaging my equipment. It honestly was one of the best $30 purchases I have made and possibly some of the most underrated gear in my bag.
Here is the link for you on Amazon

I also pack a clear bucket umbrella for the bride + groom to either use, or make a prop for photos. I totally recommend looking into Target for last minute umbrellas the week of! They usually have the cute ones by the purse section.

Then, we know we will most likely need to photograph indoors so we will pack an extra speed light or softbox with studio lighting to insure that we can still make a gorgeous portrait with good light!


Setting spray, a little waterproof makeup, and a jacket, maybe a towel to dry off your hands and feet.
If you can, check out target for cute rainy boots and umbrellas!



3: Trust

Trust is always hard, I know, but trust your seasoned photographer because they have done this song and dance and chances are this is your first wedding you’ve attended or of course your one and only wedding!

If a photographer has your trust they can feel free to be creative, and make situations cooler than it possibly was!


4: Be creative with locations

If you have the time see if you can photograph in cool indoor locations: Greenhouses, Museums, something along those lines!

You can really make some magic in a greenhouse because if its cold outside, the greenhouse will be warm!



Now, you’re thinking these tips are great but my brain isn’t going to remember these things.. can you possibly break down your thought process from a real wedding?



October 7, 2017 – Jamie + Sarah Lyon’s *Rainy* Wedding Day

It was raining so hard, I mean literally thunder-storming cats and dogs at a downpour! We we’re indoors at a church, arriving towards the end of getting ready. Since the rain tilted our timeline we had to rearrange the schedule on the fly! (Don’t be afraid to do this, trust your gut!) We did the first touch (they choose not to see each other but to hold hands and exchanges “I love you’s”) in a different location, and it actually looked amazing! Way better than originally planned!


We did the details by a giant open window, and set up a light inside the church to be able to grab family photos inside. The light was necessary because it was so dark outside there was no natural sunlight, but we knew it was going to rain and planned ahead the night before incase we had to use plan B!

After family photos it was time for the ceremony so we did our normal ceremony set up and photographed knowing we’d have to still grab all the bride+groom and bridal party afterwards. The party bus arrived and the first thing I blurted out was go to big woods, we will stand under a shelter and make it work! They are still some of my favorite photos, we still had a great time, and hey It’s pretty cute seeing us in the rain while you guys cuddle under the roof!

It let up for a brief moment and thats when we grabbed the bride and groom and worked as quickly as possible switching up posses and rotating in about 10 feet of the same location to give them different looks and make sure we can get them as many photos together as possible.


Then somehow, we get to the reception and right after dinner the storm passed and the sunset came out, I bee-lined straight to the bride and said SUN – NOW- YES! We grabbed another 15 minutes of portraits and it was one of the happiest parts of the day because we got a little bit of everything from the rain to the sunset, and no sign of stress because just have to keep rolling and trusting your gut to make the decision!



Either way, you’re documenting someones day exactly how it happened, but don’t let a little water completely change your mood or ideas! Brainstorm a “just incase” idea so then when it actually happens you have a game plan made up in your head!


What do you think,

what have you done on a rainy wedding day that I missed?!


Much love!

Jamie + Mark


we're jamie and mark!

We help quirky and untraditional couples find joy and adventure on their special days by providing passionate and wild photography that captures the big moments of love… and all the little candid ones in between.


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